Branded email scoresheets for your bowlers
Brunswick Cloud
Campaigns / Members

When does a bowler get their scoresheet emailed to them? 



1. Verify that you have a Campaign with an Email Scoresheet channel active. Verify in Brunswick Cloud and in Sync Office.

2. If a bowler has entered their email address (either in Sync Desk or at the lane), the bowler will receive an email with a link to their scoresheet after they finish bowling.

3. After the bowler completes their session (time or games) on the lane, the scoresheet will be emailed to them within 10 minutes.

In addition to the information above, we have a number of training videos and resources available in Brunswick Cloud located in the Support section.

If you have further questions on the Brunswick Cloud, we offer specialized Managed Marketing Services to assist with best practices and advanced training. You can purchase these services under Purchase Features

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